Once you get clear, you will put a plan together.  You will need to get deep.
You are where you are, because of the reason why.
Look at what it is you are doing and why.
Most people live their lives based on a "perceived' vision.
If you want to change:
find what is your motivation, why are you doing this?
discovering the WHY is what will motivate you.
e.g.  If you want to write a book, "just to be an author" - you will NOT be motivated.
But, if you write a book because you want to help people then that is your why - That is your Motivation!

Getting in shape just to "make you happy", or "to attract someone" - are they really motivating????
You need to ask the questions:
Am I Motivated? - What is the reason, what is the WHY?
Wanting more money is not enough!!! - It is not defined, it is not motivating.

Why am I doing the things I'm doing?
write them down in a journal - get them out of your head on on paper - confront them, see them in the flesh.
How am I going to get a Bigger Why?
You have to get a gigantic reason
you have to Dig Deep.
the reason you are going to do x is because of ........?

If you cant quit a bad habit - you don't have a big enough why.
if you are not accomplishing what you want - you do not have a big enough why.

The universe will throw motivation at you all the time.
If you can find the reason why - the universe will throw something at you.
The reason why you do these 'things' is because of the reason why.

Questions to ask yourself:
  1. Why are you doing the things you are doing?
  2. why do you want to bring the things into your life that you want to bring?
    1. are they shallow reasons?
    2. or are they deep reasons - are they enough to motivate you
if not then change your Why and take control of it - before the universe does! - before the universe brings in a why for you.
We are finding the why the deeper purpose of what your doing.
Find the deeper purpose of what you are doing every day.

I used to get up at 6am.
now i have been hitting the "snooze" button and getting up at 7 or sometimes even later.
Why? - What is the reason?

I am hitting the snooze button from 6am until about 7am that's about 6 times each morning - why would i do this?
* every time I hit that snooze button - i am not getting anymore quality sleep.

Why am i hitting the snooze button?
  • don't want to get up - no compelling reason
  • staying up late each night - seem to get things done at night
  • no reson to get up early
    • only getting up to get ready for work - to work for someone else
    • no longer doing morning "boot camps" or gym sessions
    • no project to work
Change your reason why, Change your Reason
I want to get up early so that I get to do:
  • work on myself
  • meditation
  • gym sessions
  • plan my life
  • find myself
  • work on my business'
  • become an entrepreneur
  • become who I am meant to be
  • morning stretch sessions
  • listen to uplifting music, motivation, self development audio
  • give myself 'my time' every morning to focus on me
  • do yoga

These changes occur over a lifetime - it is a continental process of continual improvement.
We are writing a story each and every day.

What is your story?

Trust your heart and believe in the process.
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