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"Children do what feels good
Adults devise a plan and follow it"
-Dave Ramsey

I am growing a moustache this year for Movember.  I have decided to put down my razor for one month (November) and help raise awareness and funds for men’s health – specifically prostate cancer and depression in men.  

What many people don’t appreciate is that close to 3,000 men die of prostate cancer each year in Australia and one in eight men will experience depression in their lifetime - many of whom don’t seek help. Facts like these have convinced me I should get involved and I am hoping that you will support me.  

To sponsor my Mo, you can either: 

•    Click this link and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account 
•    Write a cheque payable to ‘Movember Foundation’, referencing my Registration Number 226125 and mailing it to: Movember Foundation, PO Box 292, Prahran, VIC, 3181 

Remember, all donations over $2 are tax deductible. 

Movember is now in its sixth year and, to date, has achieved some pretty amazing results by working alongside The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCFA) and beyondblue: the national depression initiative. Check out further details at:

If you are interested in following the progress of my Mo, click here Also, has heaps of useful information.  

Thank you
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Movember 2009: Day 3
When you travel in an aeroplane and an serious event occurs - the oxygen masks drop from the ceiling and you're travelling with an infant, make sure that you put your mask on first and THEN secure a mask on your child.

Just think about that for a moment. - you have to look after yourself first before you can help anyone else out.

Yet in life most people will do the total opposite. They become victims or doormats and think that this is somehow
advancing us forward to creating financial wealth.

So begin to put yourself first, take some time out and give to yourself first... In a spiritual sense, look after yourself first.  It is not really being selfish - as when you give to yourself first, then you will have more to give to others - in fact this is the opposite of being selfish.

Make yourself strong financially and you can help not just one person, but an unlimited number of people.

Look at world's wealthiest people like
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett - What they give to charities is likely to run into billions of dollars.  Buffett has actually pledged his fortune to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

They would never have been in this position if 25 years ago they chose to give away their time to help people and not focus on themselves and create wealth.

All successful investors understand the relationship of spiritual values and the pursuit of financial prosperity.

The further they progress, the more generous they tend to be with money, time and financial wisdom.
If you want to improve your life, find a teacher, mentor, or coach who meets the following two criteria: A teacher who demands more of you then you demand of yourself, and a teacher that practices what they preach".
Robert Kiyosaki
We are not born with a script for our life entitled "your perfect life"
Life is not a straight line.
The quality of our life is determined by how we choose to handle our life in each moment.
You have the power decide how you make your life
I was reading "The Four Main Causes of Negative Emotions - Excerpt 3" by Robert Kiyosaki
(you can get access to this by signing up online for free at -

Most people do not care about you or your problems.
Most people thing more about what's their next meal or what they are doing on the weekend then about you
If you tell 10 people about your problems - 7 will not care and the other 3 will be glad you have a problem!

The Solution is:
If you feel any kind of lack in your life - Give what you want.
  • give a smile to receive a smile
  • give recognition to others to receive it
  • give money away, donations to charity - if you want to receive money
  • hug people to receive more hugs
  • Give Love to receive love
  • or on the other side - throw a punch to receive one!
all of these make sense to me, I have herd it before.
However, I was just thinking about this as many authors/speakers have also give this advice - to give where you feel lack. But, I wonder if - "Give your time to others to receive more time" - if that is also true?

Hmm.... this is something to think about...
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