Here are a few notes I took from this episode.
"Loral Langemeier Guest Sandra Yancey E Women Network"

Thank goodness I didn't know what I was doing, because if I did I probably wouldn't have done it. What I didn't know was that i am my own biggest obstacle - because I was trying to micromanage and do it all

I drank the "coolaid" that said "nobody can do it like me, nobody's got the attention to detail - the way I want it

Working myself into exhaustion and because I was doing it all I was busy, I was working on the "busyness" of the business, not working on the business.

Real Businesses build enough infrastructure so that you don't have to do everything.

Women buy into this mantra that they are multitasker.

If you don't learn your lesson it will keep on showing up until you do.

Focus – quit trying to be all things to all people and try to do it all. Focus on the things that make the cash register ring, because when you get the cash register to ring you will now have the money and the freedom to surround you with your A-Team

Take 3 letters HOW into WHO
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